2024 Nasi Emeric

Emeric Nasi, MCTTP, Munich Cyber Tactics, Techniques and Procedures

Emeric Nasi

BALLISKIT Owner and Resercher

 I am a french cybersecurity researcher and the founder of BallisKit.
Passionate about all infosec subject, especially offensive security subjects, my main research interests mitigation bypass, malware writing, exploit weaponization.
I have been speaker at conferences (OffensiveCon, SisSegV, TyphoonCon). I also published some blog posts on various topics such as Antivirus Evasion, UAC bypasses, Initial Access, Linux and Windows security, etc.
At BallisKit, I am now focused on R&D for RedTeams and I am the author of MacroPack Pro and ShellcodePack.

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