Klaus Schmeh has published 15 books, 300 articles, 1500 blog posts and 25 research papers about encryption technology, which makes him the most-published cryptology author in the world. Among the books he authored are “Kryptografie – Verfahren, Protokolle, Infrastrukturen” and “Codebreaking: A Practical Guide” (with Elonka Dunin). In his main profession, Klaus works as the Chief Editor Marketing at Eviden Digital Identity in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Klaus is an excellent speaker, often including self-drawn cartoons, self-composed songs, comedy elements, and Lego models in his talks. His talks at DEF CON, RSA, Dragon Con, Connect:ID, NSA Crypto History Symposium, Security Document World, Trustech and many others have been enthusiastically received because of Klaus’ unique presentation style.
The lecturers are authors of the whitepaper “Post-Quantum Crypto Migration Guide – The road to quantum safety”, which is available here (registration required): https://www.cryptovision.com/en/download-access