Now that post-quantum cryptography is becoming ready for practice, migration to it represents a major challenge for the near future. Existing crypto applications need to be extended to support post-quantum algorithms, PKIs need to be adapted. For a transition time, both traditional and post-quantum systems need to be operated in parallel.
One obvious challenge is that post-quantum methods typically require longer keys and are less performant than the currently utilized systems. This can be especially challenging for platforms with limited resources such as smart cards and smart tokens. In addition, the current post-quantum algorithms are not as mature as many traditional systems, which makes crypto agility, the ability to rapidly transition to an alternative method, highly important.
This presentation explains migration to post-quantum cryptography in an entertaining, yet informative way. As the title implies, the talk is presented in science fiction style with the slides being in a special design and the lecturers wearing Star Wars shirts. They touch the following topics:
• Why is PQC migration necessary?
• A look at the major PQC algorithms, e.g. CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium
• Crypto inventory creation and the tools that can be used for this purpose
• Risk evaluation, including the major evaluation frameworks
• Post-quantum crypto and PKI
• Executive sponsorship buy-in
• Migration execution
This talk, which will be presented in a unique science fiction style, outlines the major steps of making your corporate IT environment quantum-resistant and illustrates how the major challenges can be solved.
The NSA predicts, that practical quantum computing tools are about 3 to 5 years out from workforce use. Klaus and Simon will help us to prepare our companies for that breakthrough.